Well, I hate to say, "I told you so," but... well, I told you so. I have been saying since Barack Obama became a presidential contender that he is, in a lot of ways, similar to and reminiscent of John F. Kennedy. A lot of people laughed and told me I was making "a strong statement;" and a somewhat unwarranted one, in their views. I guess I'm no longer the only one, now that Ted Sorensen, legendary speechwriter to JFK, has come out and endorsed Obama, and has drawn a number of similarities between the two.
I've been saying that Obama is my generation's JFK, because he projects an air of idealism and hope that we haven't really seen in our conscious lives. Obama presents to us a breath of fresh air amidst the nasty cynicism of modern politics and society. And although he hasn't come out yet with the big "Ask not...," the point is that he could, and people would follow. He dares people to dream big, set far horizons, and work for the greater good, and that's what I like about him. That's what people liked about Kennedy. And in reality, I don't think that would be such a bad thing right now.
I love Obama's ethos and the way he presents his rhetoric. I like that he can bring people together. I would be happy with an Obama candidacy and presidency... but I'm still in political love with Bill Richardson. Anyways, there's still months and months before the first primary, and a year and a half before the election, and as we've seen before, anything can happen.
I've been saying that Obama is my generation's JFK, because he projects an air of idealism and hope that we haven't really seen in our conscious lives. Obama presents to us a breath of fresh air amidst the nasty cynicism of modern politics and society. And although he hasn't come out yet with the big "Ask not...," the point is that he could, and people would follow. He dares people to dream big, set far horizons, and work for the greater good, and that's what I like about him. That's what people liked about Kennedy. And in reality, I don't think that would be such a bad thing right now.
I love Obama's ethos and the way he presents his rhetoric. I like that he can bring people together. I would be happy with an Obama candidacy and presidency... but I'm still in political love with Bill Richardson. Anyways, there's still months and months before the first primary, and a year and a half before the election, and as we've seen before, anything can happen.