Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Here comes the sun.

You know, for the first time in quite a while, I’m excited again, for several reasons:

  • I started playing bass again.  I used to play a lot and while I never took formal lessons, and didn’t really understand musical theory (which I still don’t), I was pretty decent.  I brought my bass and amp back on Saturday night, and have been playing quite a bit recently.  I forgot how much I loved it.

  • I found a freakin’ sweet Internet Radio station (Pig Radio) that I’ve been listening to pretty much nonstop.  They play a lot of cool alternative/independent/underground/electronic music, and it’s freakin’ sweet.  I suggest checking it out if you’re a music fan… I put a link on my link bar.

  • I’m actually getting excited about academics again.  Granted, this semester is still boring the hell out of me, with the exception of a few classes (20th Century Drama, Acting II), but as I’m looking ahead to next semester, I’m starting to really get excited about learning about things in which I’m interested.  I decided I’m going to go for an American Studies major, since my writing major is pretty much done and I’ve started seriously thinking about going to grad school for American Studies.  I’ve already taken a bunch of classes that will count for the major, and so I’d only need a few more.  I met with Dr. Recchiuti today to talk about it, and he was really excited as well.  Only problem now is that AS200 is up in the air, and he doesn’t know when it will be offered again, so I’m trying to see if I can develop an independent study that I can substitute for AS200.  I think that my focus for AS is going to be the different things that shape the American Identity (more specifically literature, politics, and history), and so the Independent study I’m hoping to be able to do will look at various American literary movements within the context of the historical and political climate in which they happened and examine how they’ve all worked to create and shape the identity we have today.  Rodney said he’d be interested in doing it with me, so that’s exciting too.

  • I had an amazing spring break.  I did absolutely nothing, and it was fantastic.  I stayed here at my house in Alliance with one of my other housemates, and we just chilled out and relaxed the whole week.  I thought it would be boring and slow, but it was just really nice to do whatever we wanted, and to have practically the whole campus to ourselves.

  • Since I’m on the Schooler Lecture Search Committee, I get to greet and escort Tim Russert around when he’s on campus next week.  That’s a pretty sweet deal, I think.

  • The weather a few days ago was absolutely beautiful.  Spring is certainly on the way.

Things certainly appear to be on the up.

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