Friday, June 09, 2006

Return of the Jedi

So I've been on something of a blogger hiatus for the last, oh, 2 months or so. Completely ridiculous and completely unjustifiable. I could argue that the end of the semester kept me too busy to write and update regularly. This is flawed for two major reasons:
  • I've been out of school for two fucking months now, and have spent most of my time watching movies, sitting at work watching movies, or doing otherwise meaningless things to keep me occupied.
  • I wasn't really all that busy at the end of the semester. Sure I had the usual batch of odd (and often annoying) final papers and finals, but I really didn't study that much, and spent most of the end of the semester smoking or playing video games.
I could also argue that I haven't had anything to say. This, also isn't true. I'm always thinking of shit that I think I might have something to say about (and swear that I'll remember it later), but usually I don't and when I do decide I want to write something, I can't think of shit and so type out some meaningless verbal diarrhea that is totally uninteresting and falls subject to the axe of the 'delete' key.

With that said, remind me to write posts on the following, which have been brewing in my head and which I need to put down before I forget about them:
  • Why the wrong people are in politics OR why Jon Stewart should be.
  • Things that I would like to do during my lifetime (not to be confused with my life's goals)
  • A new (or maybe not, since I haven't done any research at all to see if it already exists) theory of education
  • Maybe I'll write about the Dave Matthews Band Concert I'm set to leave for in about an hour.
  • Maybe some other things, if you're lucky.

I'm back, bitches.

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